VALETON RH-101 Rushead Max Bass Headphone Amplifier For Bass Guitar


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SKU: RH-101 Category:


VALETON RH-101 Rushead Max Bass Headphone Amplifier For Bass Guitar

Rushead Max Bass is a straight-forward, easy to use headphone amplifier for bass guitars. Inside you’ll find the heat of the world’s most famous amplifiers, each with a full range of timbre adjustment. From sheer cleannatural sound, to toasty heavy overdrive tone

●  5-knob  hi-def  tone  shaping  control
●  AMP  module  containing  clean,  overdrive  and  distortion  amp  models,  based  on        world-class  bass  amplifiers
●  Switchable  MOD  module  with  chorus,  tremolo  and  flanger  effects
●  Switchable  AMBIENT  module  with  reverb  and  echo  effects
●  Aux  input  for  jamming  along  with  any  audio  player
●  Playing  anytime,  anywhere  for  up  to  5  hours
●  Onboard  USB  charger

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg